Thursday, November 02, 2006

Heavenly Smells and Senses to the Palette

most cant resist the smells of freshly baked breads or cakes, but none can beat the smell of freshly baked pastries especially danish and croissant. this is a heavenly smell, one that smells so sweet that seems to be calling out to us to sample (or savour) its rich texture and taste. i tried to make croissant years ago, and even earlier this year, but i didnt know how to make the pastry. until my niece intan the chef taught me how.

the ingredients are always there in the house, so it's not a problem. it started when i watched anthony bourdain visit a boulangerie in paris, and i could see croissants and baguettes and brioches and cinnamon rolls. and after watching the show, i went straight to the kitchen, and made the dough. and then the long arduous task began - of rolling the pastry and folding it into 3 and letting it rest for 20 mins. i had to repeat this task 4 times. and this morning... i smelled the sweet smell in the oven and it reminded me of the mornings i visited the victoria market and bought almond croissant at the pastry shop. and the danish and croissants were puffed up and were soft and delicate when i tasted it. ah! happiness is the feeling of a baker whose creation is soft and sweet.

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