Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Butter Crescents & Almond Custard Croissant

Butter crescents r simply divine for breakfast (although they can be served as dinner rolls). i made these more than a year ago, using the recipe taken from . these r softer than white bread, bcoz of the egg added. the flour used is just all-purpose flour, so u neednt worry abt hunting for high protein flour. this is definitely easier to do than to make the traditional puff pastry (which i tried 4 times n still i couldnt master it). of course, bcoz it's not made fr puff pastry, expect the crescents to be just like a normal bread n not their rich n fattening cousins the croissants or danish.

when i was in melbourne, i loved eating the almond croissants that r sold at victoria market. i loved them so much that i tried to find one in KL. well...i wasnt lucky. went to delifrance but at that time almond croissant wasnt ready yet. so i had to make do with some danish, which unfortunately, was very dry.

i returned home n tried to find an almond custard croissant recipe. n i found one at . the dough was a bit hard tho', so next time i'll have to put more milk. the reason y i dont really fancy making puff pastry is the fact that u've to roll the dough n put knobs of butter n then fold the dough n then roll it again....u've to repeat this a few times. my problem is that the dough actually burst n the butter just spilled, which made rolling harder. nevertheless, despite the uneven croissant shape, they tasted nice that my nephew wanted to bring them back.

i would definitely make the croissant again - but when i've ample time, as i treat this as a marathon.

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